Dialogue-based Navigation with Pepper Robot driven by Politeness

Dialogue-based Navigation with Pepper Robot driven by Politeness

European Union’s Project SECURE’s secondment project at Softbank Robotics by Dr. Bothe in 2018 while working at the University of Hamburg.

SECURE Secondment Project by Dr. Chandrakant Bothe in 2018

Towards Dialogue-based Navigation with Multivariate Adaptation based on Intention and Politeness for Social Robots
arXiv:1809.07269 or ICSR 2018 pp 230-240 chapter from book Social Robotics
The International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2018)

The secondment is accomplished with extensive experiments during July-August ’18 in collaboration with the industrial partner SoftBank Robotics in Paris, France with their semi-humanoid robot Pepper.

Any further details/updates/news about this project will be posted on this page.